British Landscapes Stamps

These Post Office stamps were affixed to specially designed envelopes and postmarked on the first day that the stamps were issued.

02.05.1966 | Manchester Bee Cachet, Postmarked at Manchester

sold out View FDCs for this issue British Landscapes, Manchester Bee Cachet British Landscapes, Manchester Bee Cachet
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Stamp Type:
Stamp Details:
4d Sussex
6d Antrim
1s 3d Harlech
1s 6d The Cairngorms
Notes: The Manchester worker bee is one of the best-known symbols of Manchester and has been an emblem for the city for over 150 years. The bee denotes Mancunians' hard work ethic and the city being a hive of activity. It has also come to represent the sense of unity in our great city.
Reference Images:
Commemorative Stamp
Presentation Pack (PPPack 08)
Postmark illustrations
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