Entertaining Envelopes: Generic Sheet

Available varieties of this First Day Cover - subject to stock
StockCode: 28926
Sevenoaks, Letter Box Lane, Special Handstamp
RARE set of five covers with all 20 1st Class stamps and labels (and borders).
1 Left
Winged Horse
Stock Code:28926
Issue Date:03 Feb 2004
Issue:03 February 2004 - Entertaining Envelopes: Generic Sheet
Stamp Type:Generic Sheets
Stamp Details:Entertaining Envelopes: 1st Face, 1st Biplane, 1st Baby, 1st Postman, 1st Duck plus labels
Producer/Series:Royal Mail/Post Office
Postmark:Sevenoaks, Letter Box Lane, Special Handstamp
Availability:In Stock
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