Football Locomotive series by Dawn

Showing First Day Covers designed by 'Dawn' in the 'Football Locomotive' series
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Football Loco 'Darlington'
Birthplace of George Stephenson
Producer: Dawn
Series: Football Locomotive (11)
39607 (11) Football Loco 'Darlington', Birthplace of George Stephenson
4 Seasons: Summer
Manchester City Holiday Express
Producer: Dawn
Series: Football Locomotive (7)
10350 (7) 4 Seasons: Summer, Manchester City Holiday Express, One Left
Picture Postcards
Arsenal Football Club
Producer: Dawn
Series: Football Locomotive (4)
10228 (4) Picture Postcards, Arsenal Football Club, One Left
Prince of Wales Investiture
Sunderland Football Club
Producer: Dawn
Series: Football Locomotive (3)
10227 (3) Prince of Wales Investiture, Sunderland Football Club, One Left
The Age of Steam
Manchester United
Producer: Dawn
Series: Football Locomotive (1)
10190 (1) The Age of Steam, Manchester United
The Age of Steam
Necastle United
Producer: Dawn
Series: Football Locomotive (2)
10191 (2) The Age of Steam, Necastle United, One Left
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