Meter Marks

Meter Mark
Showing all First Day Covers for 'Meter Mark' Postmark.

NB: Not all thumbnails below will show the Meter Marks.

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Showing Page 9 of 9 pages,   Showing 12 Items from 161 to 172 of 172
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D-Day 50th Anniversary
Flags of British Forces and SHEAF crest
10314 D-Day 50th Anniversary, Flags of British Forces and SHEAF crest, One Left
sold out
Picture Postcards
Typhoo Meter Mark
21377 Picture Postcards, Typhoo Meter Mark
sold out
The Age of Steam
Locomotive Dame Vera Lynn
10193 The Age of Steam, Locomotive Dame Vera Lynn
Inland Waterways
Barge Artwork
10115 Inland Waterways, Barge Artwork, One Left
Inland Waterways
Canals Meter Mark
21352 Inland Waterways, Canals Meter Mark, One Left
Green Issue
Save my World, Save Me
10009 Green Issue, Save my World, Save Me, One Left
Green Issue
Save the Ozone Layer
40109 Green Issue, Save the Ozone Layer
Gilbert & Sullivan
Gilbert & Sullivan
9979 Gilbert & Sullivan
Christmas 1991
Illuminated Manuscripts
14033 Christmas 1991, Illuminated Manuscripts, One Left
Student Games/Rugby Cup
Loughborough University of Technology
9810 Student Games/Rugby Cup, Loughborough University of Technology
sold out
Europa 1984
World Trade Centre - Europa and the Bull
13222 Europa 1984, World Trade Centre - Europa and the Bull
British National Railway Museums
Stirling Single, Flying Scotsman & Big Boy
41853 British National Railway Museums, Stirling Single, Flying Scotsman & Big Boy, One Left
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